Friday, June 12, 2009

A Warm Wind-Chapter 22 Questions

Now that we have finished this beautiful book, answer the following questions:
1. What did Wilbur learn?
2. How was the setting important?
3. Did any of the characters act in ways that were surprising?
4. What do you know about Wilbur that the Zuckerman's did not know?
5. Was there a "bad guy" in this story? Who? How would the story have been different without him?
6. Where do you suppose the author got his ideas for this story?
7. What other stories does this remind you of?
8. Which parts of the story do you think were funny?

Think about: Your favorite part.

DANIELA will do the summary for Chapter 22.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Last Day-Chapter 21 Questions

1. How did Templeton help in the story?
2. Why did Wilbur get Templeton to take down Charlotte's egg sac?
3. Why did Wilbur wink at Charlotte?

Think about: What would say say if you spoke at Charlotte's funeral?

YEIFER will do the summary for Chapter 21.

The Hour of Triumph- Chapter 20 Questions

1. Why was Wilbur given a special prize at the fair?
2. How did Wilbur react to the prize?
3.How did Templeton save the day and the prize for Wilbur?

Think about: How is this story going to end?

JAIRO will do the summary for Chapter 20.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Egg Sac-Chapter 19 Questions

1. What were the two jobs Charlotte had to do at the fair?
2. Was the information about spider eggs accurate? What kind of spider was Charlotte? What will happen to Charlotte?

Think about: What will the special award be?

ESTEBAN will do the summary for Chapter 19.

The Cool of the Evening-Chapter 18 Questions

1. Charlotte said it was the last word she would ever write. What do you think is going to happen?
2. Was "humble" a good word to describe Wilbur? Why or why not?
3. What do you think Charlotte was making? What is a masterpeice? What was Charlotte's masterpiece?
4. Why did Fern have the best time at the fair?
5. How had Fern changed in the story?

Think about- Will Wilbur's personality change if he wins or if he loses at the fair?

JORGE will do the summary for Chapter 18.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Chapter 15 Summary, by:Andrea

In the crickets wilbur is going to the Fair and Charlotte can not go because she need to keep with his web.

Uncle-Chapter 17 Questions

1. Charlotte was not herself. Find some clues as to what may be wrong.
2. What advantages did Uncle have over Wilbur at the fair?
3. On what criteria do you think a pig was judged at the fair?

Think about: What will happen if Wilbur wins at the fair? What could happen if he loses?

JUAN DAVID will do the summary for Chapter 17.

Off to the Fair-Chapter 16 Questions

1. How did the family prepare to go to the fair?
2. Why was it funny when the sheep gave Templeton reasosn to go to the fair?
3. Why did Charlotte and Templeton decide to go to the fair?
4. Explain why Wilbur fainted in the story.

MARIA PAULINA will do the summary for Chapter 16.

Chapter 11 Summary, by: Gabriela

Summary chapter 11

On chapter 11 the start of the day was foggy, but Charlotte’s web seemed beautiful. Each thread was decorated with dozens of tiny beads of water. Even Lurvy thought that it was cute. He was looking at the web when he noticed that in the web were two words that amazed him. It said: some pig. He called Mr. Zuckerman as quickly as he can. When Mr. Zuckerman saw the words in the web, he went to call Mrs. Zuckerman. At the start she thought that he was lying, but then she went with Mr. Zuckerman and Lurvy to see the miracle. Mrs. Zuckerman thought that the spider (Charlotte) was the miraculous animal. Charlotte was happy that her plan was working. She sat down at the side of the web admiring her plan, when a fly blundered into the web, beyond the word “pig”. But Charlotte took her away from the web and the fog lifted. Mr. Zuckerman was proud of Wilbur and he thought that he was a solid pig. He also said to Lurvy that Wilbur was smooth. Then, Mr. Zuckerman went to the minister’s house to explain him the miracle that happened. The minister advice Mr. Zuckerman to not tell anybody else the thing that happened. He would talk about that on his Sunday’s sermon. The minister asked Mr. Zuckerman if the pig had name. He said that his name was Wilbur and that his nice (Fern) raised him in a bottle and bought it to Mr. Zuckerman’s farm. But, before it was Sunday, the entire county knew the news. People miles away to see the miracle that happened. On the Zuckerman’s parking, they were millions of different kinds of cars. Farmers went from different places to see Wilbur hour after hour and to say that they never had seen a pig like Wilbur. Fern told one day to Mrs. Arable that Avery was going to capture Charlotte so Mrs. Arable send him to bed without eating supper as a punishment. Mr. Zuckerman was so busy attending Wilbur and the people that went to his farm that he didn’t have time to take care of the rest of the farm. Then, the minister said that if you need to watch carefully because around you they can be millions of miracles to discover. Fern felt happy that Charlotte’s plan was working and that Wilbur could be saved. She wished that she could be for a moment alone with Charlotte, Wilbur and the other animals of the barn.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Crickets-Chapter 15 Questions

1. What's the real purpose of this chapter, "The Crickets"?
2. What was Wilbur worried about?
3. What was Charlotte worried about?
4. Why couldn't Charlotte go to the fair with Wilbur?

ANDREA will do the summary for Chapter 15.

Dr. Dorian-Chapter 14 Questions

1. Was Dr. Dorian a wise man? Why or why not?
2. How is he like your family doctor?
3. Dr. Dorian pointed out that the web itself was a miracle. How do you think the spider learned to spin webs?
4. What things do animals do instinctively?What things might be learned?
5. What is "normal" for an eight-year-old girl? for a boy?

JAIME will do the summary for Chapter 14.

Chapter 13 Summary, by: Angelica

summary chapter 13
Charlotte write in our web TERRIFIC. and then the news wet out and then the persons coming. and look wilbur down to the web. and the rat templeton was down there now rummaging around. when he returned to the barn he carried in his mouth an advertisement he had torn from a crumpled magazine. and charlotte then tell to wilbur about a history of when here cousin when she caught a fish.

Chapter 12 Summary, by: Alejandra

In chapter 12 charlotte called all the animals of the farm and ask for suggestions for a new wor that describe wilbur,Templeton say that he wouldn´t help but the lamb say that wilbur die templeton will not eat because the food of wilbur is the food of temleton.The word that the animals and charlotte choose was terrific. by:alejandra dangond

Friday, June 5, 2009

Chapter 9 Summary, by: Catalina

In chapter 9 wilbur wants to make a web but he can't do it because he dosen't the seven special parts on the leg that charlotte has. It also happens that Wilbur asked Charlotte how would she saved him.

Chapter 10 Summary, by :Samuel R

Ch 10 sumary: In chapter 10 Avery found a frog. He didn’t think that it was enough so he wants to capture charlotte. He climbed but he lost his balance he faled and the rotten egg faled.

Good Progress-Chapter 13 Questions

1. What were the descriptive words suggested by Templeton? What was wrong with some of these words?
2. What did the chapter title "Good Progress" mean?
3. What did Lurvy have to do to change Wilbur's pigpen?

ANGELICA will do the summary for Chapter 13.

A Meeting-Chapter 12 Questions

1. Charlotte called a meeting of the barn animals to suggest new ideas for the web. What words would you use to describe Wilbur? Why do you make this suggestion?
2. On page 90 the sheep said, "Wilbur's destiny and your destiny are closely linked." What does this mean?
3. Why did Templeton agree to help save Wilbur's life?
4. How was Templteton going to help?

ALEJANDRA will do the summary for Chapter 12.

The Miracle-Chapter 11 Questions

1. When did Charlotte think about her plan to save Wilbur?
2. When and where do you do your best thinking?
3. How was Charlotte's trick going to save Wilbur?
4. How did the miracle spider web change life for Wilbur and the Zuckermans?

GABRIELA will do the summary for Chapter 11.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

An Explosion-Chapter 10 Questions

1. How did Charlotte propose to save Wilbur's life?
2. How would you explain what Charlotte thought, "I can surely fool a man. People are not as smart as bugs"?
3. What caused the explosion in the barn?
4. How did the unhatched goose egg save Charlotte?
5.Compare Avery and Fern. How are they alike? How are they different?

Think about: Do you think Charlotte will really be able to save Wilbur? Why or why not?

SAMUEL R will do the summary for Chapter 10.

Wilbur's Boast-Chapter 9 Questions

1. Why did Charlotte say her legs had seven sections?
2. Why was Wilbur unable to spin a web?
3. Why was this chapter funny?

CATALINA will do the summary for Chapter 9.

Chapter 8 Summary, by: Julian

One day Fern go to his house and told his father and mother about the gosling and that there where 8 eggs but there hatch 7 and with the egg that don't hatch they give it to templeton and wilburs friend was charlotte's and ferns ask who was templeton and fern said that he was the rat and charlotte was a spider.

Chapter 6 Summary, by: Ana

It's an Early summre with air so sweet and fade of apple blossoms. School ends and Fern ran to the barn. Then Avery came too. They played in hay and found wired things. Then something wondreful happend in the barn gosslings hacked. Charlotte was the first was to see the hack. It was a wonderful day until some thing happend one did'nt hack. There was 8 but there is 7. So then tempolten came and tock the egg that did not hack. But the gander said do not come near our gossling. So tempolten said OK! So he tock the egg to his coletion. When Mr. Zuckerman said WOW! 7 baby gosslings How wonderful. and that was a nice day in the barn.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Talk at Home- Chapter 8 Questions

1. Fern told her parents what the animals in the barn were talking about. This upset her mother. What would your mother do if you told her about talking animals? Do you believe that animals talk? Why or why not?

2. Charlotte used lots of big words, but we can understand what she meant because she explained. What did she mean when she said, "...every one of us... will be gratified tolearn that after four weeks of unremitting effort and patience on the part of the goose, she now has something to show for it."?

3.Why didn't Mr. Arable worry about Fern? Do fathers worry about all of the things mothers worry about? Why or why not?

JULIAN will do the summary for chapter 8.

Chapter 7 Summary, By: Mariana

In Chapter 7 the sheep said wilbur was putting on weigth. But she didn't want to spread bad news but they were going to kill him at christmas. Wilbur was horrified he was crying and worries. Charlotte said to wilbur I will save you. But how said wilbur I will think she said.